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Главная arrow English version arrow Electoral Database User Guide
Electoral Database User Guide
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This guide is intended for those users who lack even elementary knowledge of Russian, even though they are able to recognize Cyrillic characters well enough to read the names of regions, parties, and candidates, and who will be probably not interested in going beyond plain election results. Others are strongly encouraged to consult the Russian User Guide (Инструкция для пользователей) that provides much more detailed instructions. This being said, what should you do to receive election results as such?

The element of the main menu that is best suitable for this purpose is Регион (Region). In order to receive the results of national elections in Russia as a whole, you select from the list Российская Федерация. In order to receive the results of regional elections or the results of national elections in individual regions, you select the name of the region (such as Агинский Бурятский автономный округ, or город Санкт-Петербург). Once your selection is made, you go to the list of bodies that were elected in the given region starting with December 2003 (Выбрать орган государственной власти): Государственная Дума РФ (the State Duma of the Russian Federation), Президент РФ (the President of the Russian Federation), Глава исполнительной власти субъекта РФ (the Head of the Regional Executive), Законодательное собрание субъекта РФ (единственная или нижняя палата) (Regional Legislative Assembly – Single or Lower Chamber), or Законодательное собрание субъекта РФ (верхняя палата) (Regional Legislative Assembly – Upper Chamber). After you choose one of these, you go to the date of elections (Выбрать дату выборов), and then to electoral system and election results (Избирательная система и результаты выборов). The text on this page is for advanced Russian speakers. If you are not in this category, go directly to the LEFT MENU and choose one of three possible presentations: proportional system (Пропорциональная система), district (Округ), or the list of the elected (Список избранных).

If you choose Пропорциональная система, you receive the results of party list elections, unless no proportional component was involved (in which case you get Выборы по пропорциональной системе не проводились). The results arrive in the following form, English translation supplemented:

Общая информация: General info
Число избирателей: 740363 Number of registered voters
Явка: 36.58 Voter turnout (per cent)
Против всех: 45445 (16.78) Votes cast against all lists, number and (per cent)
Недействительных бюллетеней: 13037 (4.81) Invalid ballots, number and (per cent)
Партии: Full official name of the party, number of votes received and (per cent)
Всероссийская политическая партия Единая Россия 92402 34.12
Политическая партия Коммунистическая партия Российской Федерации 40872 15.09
Либерально-демократическая партия России 20386 7.53
Политическая партия Патриоты России 19362 7.15
Политическая партия Российская партия мира 4342 1.6
Политическая партия Российская партия пенсионеров 24121 8.91
Политическая партия Российская объединенная демократическая партия ЯБЛОКО
Под предыдущим названием: Политическая партия Российская демократическая партия ЯБЛОКО 10846 4

If you see a complex presentation like with the ЯБЛОКО party at the end of the list, including the words Под предыдущим названием, this means that the given party participated in the given election under a different name from what it uses currently. In the case of ЯБЛОКО the identity is still obvious, but this might not be the case with other parties.

The names of parties that crossed the established legal threshold of representation are in bold. If you want to know how many seats were allocated to this party, click on its name and count the number of candidates whose names are in bold.

If you choose Округ, you will first receive the list of single-member or multimember (but not proportional) districts that were created for these elections, unless the elections were purely proportional, in which case you get Выборы по округам не проводились. By-elections are included and can be identified by inscription (дополнительные/повторные выборы).

Once you have chosen one of the districts, the results arrive in the following form, English translation supplemented:

Общие по округу 1: General info on district 1 (Note that for presidential and gubernatorial elections district 1 will be the only district, which, unfortunately, won’t liberate you from the necessity to choose this only district!)
Число избирателей: 1046166 Number of registered voters
Явка: 61.89 Voter turnout (per cent)
Действительных бюллетеней: 640433 Valid ballots, number and (per cent)
Количество проголосовавших против всех: 94779 (14.8) Votes cast against all candidates, number and (per cent)
Недействительных бюллетеней: 7044 (1.1) Invalid ballots, number and (per cent)
2 тур: Да Second round of voting – yes if took place
Число избирателей: 1042898 Number of registered voters in the second round
Количество проголосовавших против всех: 32392 ) Votes cast against all candidates, number in the second round
Недействительных бюллетеней: 2646 Invalid ballots, number in the second round
Кандидаты: Candidates, parties that nominated them (or independent – Самовыдвижение), number of votes received and per cent
Аксюта Александр Леонтьевич
Самовыдвижение 7024 1.1
Гурьев Евгений Тимофеевич
Политическая партия Коммунистическая партия Российской Федерации 29568 4.62
Донской Александр Викторович
Самовыдвижение 25147 3.93
Ефремов Анатолий Антонович
Самовыдвижение 169516 26.47
Киселев Николай Иванович
Самовыдвижение 288112 44.99
Ножнин Павел Валентинович
Самовыдвижение 2518 0.39
Силантьев Михаил Сергеевич
Либерально-демократическая партия России 13375 2.09
Ющенко Владимир Васильевич
Самовыдвижение 3350 0.52
Кандидаты, 2 тур: Candidates, number of votes received and per cent in the second round.
Ефремов Анатолий Антонович 82867 12.94
Киселев Николай Иванович 354446 55.34

Note that info about the second round appears in this presentation only if the second round was indeed held.

The names of the winning candidates are in bold. If no candidate name is in bold, this means that the elections, for this or that reason (such as insufficient turnout or massive voting against all) returned no winner.

The results of national elections in individual regions can be received by employing the same procedure. The output will be different in two minor respects: you will not get the list of those elected by proportional system (for the obvious reason that seat allocation takes place on the national level only), and the list of districts in the 2003 Duma elections will include only districts created in the given region.

As an alternative to selecting from the list of regions, you can go to the option at the bottom of the main menu, Дата выборов (the date of elections), and select 2002, 12, >. This will retrieve the complete list of elections in this data base, described as follows: The name of the region :: The name of the elected body :: The date of the elections. If you click on one of the items, you will receive the Избирательная система и результаты выборов presentation. Then choose from the left menu.


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Базы данных

«Федеральное правительство РФ»

«Коммутатор»: Содействие политическому участию и гражданским инициативам
Блог "Реальная демократия" Блог «Региональные выборы» Блог «Институциональная инженерия»
"Региональные выборы" Г.Голосова Блог Г.Голосова на Slon.ru Блог Александра Кынева Блог Санкт-Петербургского ЦЭП Муниципальные выборы в Санкт-Петербурге 2009 Блог Самарского ЦЭП

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