Центр "ГЕЛИКС"

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Главная arrow English version arrow Excerpt from the Bylaws of the HC
Excerpt from the Bylaws of the HC
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"3. The goals and the scope of activities of the Organization

3.1 The goal of the Organization shall be to provide information, expert and consulting services to satisfy the need of the society in the advancement of democracy and human rights by means of widening access to information about social and political processes and facilitating the understanding of these processes.
3.2 The scope of the activities of the Organization shall be:
3.2.1 Providing services assisting to the organization and conduct of expert, analytical, and applied research, and dissemination of results of research to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.2 Providing expert, analytical, and technical assistance to organizations, enterprises and private persons to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.3 Providing assistance in the development of innovative media of information and its dissemination, and assistance to the users of these media to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.4 Consultation activities, including the expertise of projects, recommendations, other documents and materials related to the advancement of human rights and development of democracy to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.5 Assistance in the conduct of research to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.6 Providing information to citizens and organizations on different issues in their activities to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.7 Publication of books, practical guides, booklets, brochures, briefs, reports, by contracting publishing houses and / or printing houses;
3.2.8 Implementation of projects and programs to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.9 Implementation of charitable activities to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.10 Implementation of activities, including the information ones (seminars, conferences, and trainings), forums, round tables, working groups, to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.11 Raising money from Russian and foreign commercial and non-commercial organizations, private persons to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.12 Cooperation with other organizations, including the international ones, and with the state bodies and private persons to fulfill the goal of the Organization;
3.2.13 Assistance to the state bodies and local self-government bodies in the development and improvement of legislation on the realization of citizens’ constitutional rights and in improving law implementation;
3.2.14 Assistance to private persons and organizations in the realization and advocacy of constitutional rights;
3.2.15 The search for partners in the realization of the projects and programs of the Organization;
3.2.16 Activities related to fund raising (fund raising campaigns to solicit voluntary donations, contributions, grants and other fund raising activities not forbidden by the law of the Russian federation);
3.2.17 Entrepreneurial activities  aimed at fulfilling the goal of the Organization as stated in Article 3.1 of these Bylaws in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, namely:
The sales of books, brochures, practical guides, booklets, information materials, briefs, and reports published by contracted publishing houses and / or printing houses;
The lease of equipment;
The purchase and sales of bonds;
Income from raised funds;
Paid activities in projects and programs aimed at fulfilling the goal of the Organization;
Paid consultations aimed at fulfilling the goal of the Organization."

The on-going projects of the Helix Center::

  • The Federal Government of Russia database  (the most comprehensive open source of factual information on the personal composition of the central Russian government from 1990 to present days)
  • KOMMUTATOR (collects and presents to the attention of the Internet users a variety of practically relevant practical aids and manuals educating citizens about various forms of civic engagement, such as voting, electoral monitoring, political communication, civic associations, etc.)
Базы данных

«Федеральное правительство РФ»

«Коммутатор»: Содействие политическому участию и гражданским инициативам
Блог "Реальная демократия" Блог «Региональные выборы» Блог «Институциональная инженерия»
"Региональные выборы" Г.Голосова Блог Г.Голосова на Slon.ru Блог Александра Кынева Блог Санкт-Петербургского ЦЭП Муниципальные выборы в Санкт-Петербурге 2009 Блог Самарского ЦЭП

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